Creating New System Users

The following example shows how to add a new user to the system.

  1. Navigate to Settings > System Users.

  2. Click Add to create a new user.

  3. Enter a Username.


    This username also serves as login name (case-sensitive). It may consist of alphanumeric characters and special characters. It may not contain blank spaces.

  4. Optional: Enter a Note to describe the new user.

  5. Optional: Enter the E-mail address of the user.

  6. Enter a Password for the user. Passwords should be at least 8 characters long and contain upper- and lowercase alphanumeric characters as well as special characters. Optional: Click Show Password if you want to display the password in plaintext.

  7. Set the Idle timeout after which the user will be automatically logged out. Note that the user can change this timeout as well.

  8. Assign a Role to the user. See Access Rights by User Roles for information on the available roles.

  9. Click SAVE to store the new user. The new user is now added to the list of available system users.