Advanced Settings

Navigate to Settings > Advanced Settings to define custom names for layer 4 network services. These names will then be used in the charts under Analytics and in logs and reports instead of the default names. This allows you to identify particular services more easily and quickly.

The table displays the existing network service names with the respective protocol and port. The icons in the last column allow you to edit or delete the respective entry.

To define a new network service name, click the Add button above the overview table.

Layer 4 Services Settings

If you add or edit a network service name, the settings screen is displayed with the following elements:




Select the transport protocol that is that is used by the network service that the name is defined for. Either UDP or TCP.


Enter the port used by the network service.


Enter the name you want to define for that layer 4 network service.

The buttons at the bottom of the screen allow you to store your changes (SAVE) or to discard them (CANCEL).